
The Verschoor Brothers

07. September 2022

Born on 16 August 1952, the twin brothers Dingeman (Dim) and Hendrik (Henk) Verschoor founded the Company Munthandel Verschoor on
1 July 1984, located in their home in Strijen, in the southern Netherlands, not far from Dordrecht. Very soon they recognised the potential that lay hidden in the fascinating field of Dutch medals. On the one hand, this niche had the advantage that most of their collegues concentrated on the coins of the Netherlands and neighbouring European countries and tended to neglect medals. For this reason, it was (and still is)
possible to gain an advantage through solid expertise. 

On the other hand, the Verschoor brothers succeeded in building their own market for historical medals by accurately researching and establishing the historical contexts of the objects they offered. In the last decade, the market for Dutch medals has reached a new level, and the Verschoor brothers have been instrumental in the development of this new market level.

The brothers built up a significant and impressive numismatic library, and were well connected with the leading Dutch and international medal specialists. The Verschoors also maintained excellent contacts with museums, among whose curators they were highly regarded as reliable advisors.

Even though the twins usually acted together externally – as at our auctions in Osnabrück – it was Dim who was responsible for dealing in the objects, while Henk, with the help of the Verschoors’ excellent numismatic library, researched the historical background information and provenances. This gave some pieces a completely new aspect, even in terms of value.

The brothers were internationally respected and known for their expertise. Their company is a member of the international coin dealer association AINP, and they were regular exhibitors at the coin shows in London (Coinex) and New York (NYINC).

In 2019, the Verschoors were hit by severe misfortune when Dim was diagnosed with a terminal illness. Dim, who until 2018 had worked fulltime as Chief Financial Officer at the boat company Struik & Hamerslag BV, had hoped to devote his retirement entirely to researching the context of medals and publishing his findings. He commuted between Strijen and Tuscany, the home of his partner Alida. Unfortunately, Dim Verschoor was unable to win the battle against the disease and died on 5 March 2020 in the University Hospital of Pisa. Dr George Sanders, the president of the Koninklijk Nederlands Genootschap voor Munt- en Penningkunde and curator of the museum Palais Het Loo in Apeldoorn, wrote his obituary (“In Memoriam Dim Verschoor (1952-2020)”), De Beeldenaar 44, 2020, No. 4, pp. 195 ff.). May this catalogue also preserve the memory of our unforgotten friend, numismatist and medal expert Dim Verschoor.

We wish to thank our friend Henk for his confidence in entrusting us with the liquidation of this collection. We are pleased that this catalogue also symbolises the good relationship of the House of Künker with Dutch numismatics, and the good-neighbourly relationship between the Netherlands and Germany in general.

Finally, we wish Henk much success in the continuation of Munthandel Verschoor and look forward to further trustful and successful cooperation.

Osnabrück, July 2022

Dr Andreas Kaiser