
Philip, 4 BCE-34. Æ-20 mm, year 12=8/9, Caesarea Paneas/Philippi; 10.76 g.

JUDAEA, Herodian Dynasty, 40 BCE-96 CE.

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Номер лота 2122

Оценочная цена: 100.00 €
Присуждение: 650.00 €

Philip, 4 BCE-34.
Æ-20 mm, year 12=8/9, Caesarea Paneas/Philippi; 10.76 g. KAICAPI CƐBACTΩ around laureate head of Augustus to r.//ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ – ΤƐΤΡΑΡΧΟΥ around the facade of a temple with four columns at the front side, between the columns L – I – B. Hendin no. 1221; Lykke 242 fig. 63; Meshorer, Treasury 228 no. 97; RPC I no. 4940.

Rare. Good fine

Overbeck – Meshorer no. 135.

Many of Philip’s coins show the facade of a temple that was dedicated to Roma and Augustus. It is mentioned by Josephus (Bellum Judaicum I 404 and Antiquitates Judaicae XV 363). It may be possible that the ruins of a temple excavated at 3 km distance from Paneas at Omrit are the remains of this Augusteum, cf. J. A. Overman, D.N. Schowalter (eds.), The Roman Temple Complex at Horvat Omrit: An Interim Report (BAR International Series 2205), Oxford 2011. Its remnants suggest that the coins minted by Philip give a true image of the temple’s appearance. It is significant that the name of Augustus appears in the dative case, as the temple is dedicated to him.