
Scaraboid made of bright red chalcedony, lengthwise perforated, 20 mm, engraved with "(Seal) of Hanan" above a lion, its jaws stretched wide open, its tail raised, striding to the r.

PALESTINE, Assyrian Period, 720-600 BCE

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Номер лота 6273

Оценочная цена: 500.00 €
Присуждение: 2 800.00 €

Scaraboid made of bright red chalcedony, lengthwise perforated, 20 mm, engraved with "(Seal) of Hanan" above a lion, its jaws stretched wide open, its tail raised, striding to the r.

Women's seals are rare.

Overbeck – Meshorer no. A20.

For this motif cf. Weippert 674. The lion is linked with Jacob’s son Judah who is called 'a young lion' (gur aryeh) by his father (Genesis 49, 9: "Judah is a lion’s whelp"). Today the lion is depicted in Jerusalem’s municipal coat of arms. In antiquity many Jews living in the diaspora were named Λεόντιος (Leontios), which means 'lion-like' or 'descending from a lion' in order to avoid the name Judah sounding alien to the Greek speaking people, cf. L. Robert, Inscriptions grecques de Sidè en Pamphylie, RPh 32, 1958, 15-53, esp. 42 n. 7 (= ders. Opera Minora Selecta 5, 155-193, esp. 182 n. 7); J. Nollé Side im Altertum. Geschichte und Zeugnisse II, Bonn 2001, 512 f. n. 4 f. In the same way Jewish people living in a Yiddish speaking diaspora were called Loew.

According to PD Dr. Pieter Gert van der Veen "Hanan" is the name of a man, not a woman, and the seal is probably from Syria or Jordan.

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